The following charts are dynamically updated based on data provided by the Northwest Multiple Listing Service (NWMLS, or just MLS), the definitive database of real estate transactions for most of Washington State, including all of King County. Any real estate transaction in which one or both parties are being represented by a licensed real estate agent goes into the MLS; it's the primary tool that agents like myself use to advertise and research available properties. Through Windermere I also get access to a tool called TrendGraphix, which I used to generate these reports–it's also very easy to put together much more fine-grained reports like these for individual neighborhoods.
The data here is dynamically updated along with the source TrendGraphix data, so what you're seeing is the most current data available. Everything I've embedded here is for the city of Seattle only, but it's very easy to put togehter much more fine-grained reports for individual neighborhoods depending on what you're looking for.
Acronyms used in the charts are as follows:
Continuous Days on Market (CDOM) means the total number of days that a home has been active in the MLS. The only way to reset a home's CDOM count is to remove it from the market for at least 90 days.
For Sale means any property that's listed as actively for sale in the MLS.
Median sold price is a number that I like to use instead of the average sold price; it's exactly what it sounds like.
Months of inventory tells you how long it would take the current number of active listings to sell based on the average number of homes sold per month over the course of the last year.
Original listing price is the price for which a home was originally listed, as opposed to the final price for which it was listed, which is simply referred to as the listing price. The two numbers will be different if the seller reduced the price of the home before it sold.
Pending means any propety on which both parties have reached mutual acceptance but that hasn't closed yet.
Selling price is the final price for which a home sold, as reported to the MLS following closing.
Sold means any transaction that's gone to completion and which has already closed.
SP/Orig LP % is the selling price as a percentage of the original listing price. A 98, for example, means that the selling price was 98% of the home's original listing price.